世联博研(北京)科技有限公司 主营:Flexcell细胞力学和regenhu细胞3D生物打印机销售技术服务: 美国Flexcell品牌FX-5000T细胞牵张应力加载培养系统,FX-5K细胞显微牵张应力加载培养系统,Tissue Train三维细胞组织培养与测试系统,FX-5000C三维细胞组织压应力加载培养系统,STR-4000细胞流体剪切应力加载培养系统,德国cellastix品牌Optical Stretcher高通量单细胞牵引应变与分析系统 Regenhu品牌3D discovery细胞友好型3D生物打印机,piuma细胞纳米压痕测试分析、aresis多点力学测试光镊,MagneTherm细胞肿瘤电磁热疗测试分析系统
服务电话: 010-67529703
主营产品: Flexcell细胞力学和regenhu细胞3D生物打印机销售技术服务: 美国Flexcell品牌FX-5000T细胞牵张应力加载培养系统,FX-5K细胞显微牵张应力加载培养系统,Tissue Train三维细胞组织培养与测试系统,FX-5000C三维细胞组织压应力加载培养系统,STR-4000细胞流体剪切应力加载培养系统,德国cellastix品牌Optical Stretcher高通量单细胞牵引应变与分析系统 Regenhu品牌3D discovery细胞友好型3D生物打印机,piuma细胞纳米压痕测试分析、aresis多点力学测试光镊,MagneTherm细胞肿瘤电磁热疗测试分析系统


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  • 产品名称: biomomentum厂家Mach-1软组织压缩测量分析系统
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Mach-1™多轴力学测试仪是1999年推出的力学测试系统(图1),*初用于测试软骨,现在可以用于测试各种组织和软材料的力学性质。Mach-1体积小,采用模块化设计且可以进行定制,在生物材料研究中具有广泛的应用。 系统亮点:  大范围高精度多轴测试:可测量动态、静态和各种波形的压缩、张力、剪切和扭矩  可在标准的培养皿中进行力学刺激实验  用户友好的数据采集和分析软件  可作为理想的教学工具  体积小,方便携带  可**测试微米至厘米范围内低力学性质的样品




 biomomentum厂家Mach-1软组织压缩、张力、剪切和扭矩测量分析系统,Mach-1™ Multiaxial Mechanical Testers1999年推出的力学测试系统(图1),*初用于测试软骨,现在可以用于测试各种组织和软材料的力学性质。Mach-1体积小,采用模块化设计且可以进行定制,在生物材料研究中具有广泛的应用。


l  大范围高精度多轴测试:可测量动态、静态和各种波形的压缩、张力、剪切和扭矩

l  可在标准的培养皿中进行力学刺激实验

l  用户友好的数据采集和分析软件

l  可作为理想的教学工具

l  体积小,方便携带

l  可**测试微米至厘米范围内低力学性质的样品


Biomentum为提供多种标准和定制的附件来满足不同的需要。Mach-1可更换压缩杆对不同的细胞进行测量,测试室和固定装置也有很多种型号供客户选择。通过这些零件的组合,Mach-1可以对动脉、关节软骨、生物反应器、骨、中央神经系统、弹性纤维、胎膜、皮肤、水凝胶等材料实现表面力学谱测定(图2 A)、压痕实验(图2 B)、非受限压缩实验(图2 C)、施加力学刺激(图2 D)、肌腱张力测试(图2 D)等功能。


Mechanical Testing System - Application Examples

Biomomentum offers a selection of standard and custom-designed accessories. Interchangeable compression rods can be provided with any Mach-1™ system, each attached directly to the load cell for application-specific load measurements. A range of testing chambers and fixtures can also be designed and manufactured in adherence with the unique needs of the client. Examples of accessories offered by Biomomentum are depicted below with corresponding applications.

Indentation on Articular Cartilage

Automated Indentation Mapping

Human (Sim et al., 2014)

Mice (Lavoie et al., 2014)

Mach-1 Unconfined Compression

Unconfined Compression

Chitosan Thermogel (Coutu et al., 2013)

Swine Growth Plate (Sergerie et al., 2009)

Agarose Gel (Tran-Khanh et al., 2005)

Cartilage Repair Scaffold (Hoemann et al., 2005)

Cartilage (Fortin et al., 2000)

Mechanical Stimulation

Multi-Axial Mechanical Stimulation (Waldman et al., 2007)

Tension Testing

Rabbit Patellar Tendon (Clemmer et al., 2010)

Wound Healing pdf


Mach-1Mechanical Testing System

The Mach-1™ is a mechanical testing system commercially available since 1999. Originally developed for cartilage testing, this multiple-axis tester is now being used in various configurations for the evaluation of mechanical properties of tissues and soft material. Due to its small footprint, modular design and customization features, the Mach-1™ offers versatility in numerous biological, biomaterial, and material testing applications.

iomomentum has developed innovative functionalities for Automated Indentation Mapping of articular cartilage samples with the use of the unique multiple-axis capabilities of the Mach-1™ V500css.

Mach-1™ Models


1 Stage for Compression / Tension Testing


1 Vertical Stage & 1 Horizontal Stage for Compression / Tension and Shear Testing


1 Vertical Stage & 1 Rotation Stage for Compression / Tension and Torsion Testing


1 Vertical, 1 Horizontal & 1 Rotation Stage for Compression / Tension, Shear and Torsion Testing


1 Vertical & 2 Horizontal Stages for Compression / Tension and Shear (along 2 Axes) Testing

Pitney, M., van Niekerk, E., Dokos, S., Pelletier, M., & Walsh, W. R. (2013). Longitudinal Stent Deformation: Importance of Stent Type and Stent Apposition. American Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 3(3), 63-69. Full Text

Coutu, J.-M. (2012). Influence de l'agent de contraste sur les propriétés du thermogel de chitosane vers un nouvel agent embolisant pour les anévrismes. (Maîtrise), École de technologie supérieure. Abstract

Suen, R. S., Rampersad, S. N., Stewart, D. J., & Courtman, D. W. (2011). Differential roles of endothelin-1 in angiotensin II-induced atherosclerosis and aortic aneurysms in apolipoprotein E-null mice. The American journal of pathology, 179(3), 1549-1559. Abstract

Arribas, S. M., Briones, A. M., Bellingham, C., González, M. C., Salaices, M., Liu, K., Wang, Y., Hinek, A. (2008). Heightened aberrant deposition of hard-wearing elastin in conduit arteries of prehypertensive SHR is associated with increased stiffness and inward remodeling. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 295(6), H2299-2307. Abstract

Iliopoulos, J. (2006). The Aortic Wrap Procedure: A Surgical Method of Treating Age-Related Aortic Dilatation and Stiffness. (PhD), University of New South Wales, Sydney.


Mach-1Mechanical Testing System - Scientific Publications & Material

Articular Cartilage

S. Sim, A. Chevrier, M. Garon, E. Quenneville and Michael D. Buschmann. Novel Technique to Map the Biomechanical Properties of Entire Articular Surfaces Using Indentation to Identify Early Osteoarthritis-like Regions. Podium presentation ID: 18-5. Annual conference of the European Society for Biomaterials, August 31 - September 3, 2014, Liverpool, UK. Presentation

S. Sim, A. Chevrier, M. Garon, E. Quenneville, and M.D. Buschmann (2014) Indentation Method to Map Mechanical Properties of Articular Surface to Identify Degenerated Regions. Podium presentation ID: OP-Sat-3-4. Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society, October 22-25, 2014, San Antonio, TX, USA. Presentation

J.-F. Lavoie, S. Sim, A. Moreau, C.-É. Aubin, E. Quenneville, M. Garon, and M.D. Bushmann (2014) Mapping Biomechanical Properties of Mice Articular Surfaces Using Indentation: Preliminary Results. Poster ID: P-Th-183.Poster

S. Sim, A. Chevrier, M. Garon, E. Quenneville, and M.D. Buschmann (2014) Novel Technique to Map the Biomechanical Properties of Entire Articular Surfaces Using Indentation to Identify Degenerated (Osteoarthritis-like) Cartilage. Poster 2229. World Congress on Biomechanics, July 6-11, 2014, Boston, MA, USA. Poster

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