世联博研(北京)科技有限公司 主营:Flexcell细胞力学和regenhu细胞3D生物打印机销售技术服务: 美国Flexcell品牌FX-5000T细胞牵张应力加载培养系统,FX-5K细胞显微牵张应力加载培养系统,Tissue Train三维细胞组织培养与测试系统,FX-5000C三维细胞组织压应力加载培养系统,STR-4000细胞流体剪切应力加载培养系统,德国cellastix品牌Optical Stretcher高通量单细胞牵引应变与分析系统 Regenhu品牌3D discovery细胞友好型3D生物打印机,piuma细胞纳米压痕测试分析、aresis多点力学测试光镊,MagneTherm细胞肿瘤电磁热疗测试分析系统
服务电话: 010-67529703
主营产品: Flexcell细胞力学和regenhu细胞3D生物打印机销售技术服务: 美国Flexcell品牌FX-5000T细胞牵张应力加载培养系统,FX-5K细胞显微牵张应力加载培养系统,Tissue Train三维细胞组织培养与测试系统,FX-5000C三维细胞组织压应力加载培养系统,STR-4000细胞流体剪切应力加载培养系统,德国cellastix品牌Optical Stretcher高通量单细胞牵引应变与分析系统 Regenhu品牌3D discovery细胞友好型3D生物打印机,piuma细胞纳米压痕测试分析、aresis多点力学测试光镊,MagneTherm细胞肿瘤电磁热疗测试分析系统


  • 如果您对该产品感兴趣的话,可以
  • 产品名称:SynVivo微血管网络微流体芯片,SynBBB(血脑屏障),SynTumor(癌症),SynRAM(滚动粘附和迁移分析及炎症模型)和SynTox(毒理学)
  • 产品型号:403001,403005,403003,403007
  • 产品展商:synvivobio
  • 产品文档:无相关文档

SynTumor 3D癌症模型 - 重塑肿瘤微环境 SynTumor是个在生理上和形态上再现细胞- 细胞和细胞- **相互作用肿瘤微环境的,实时可视化和定量评估三维组织模型。 403001 SynTumor 3D Model Assay Kit (idealized configuration, 2µm pores) 403005 SynTumor 3D Model Assay Kit (


Microvascular Networks

Use Microvascular Networks to replicate in vivo cell/particle adhesion and cell-cell or cell-particle interactions in an in vitro setting. Investigate effects of flow and morphology for drug delivery, drug discovery and cellular behavior. Obtain shear-adhesion maps and bifurcation vs. branch adhesion in single experiment.

Microvascular Network Design Library


SMN1-C001 (104001)


SMN1-D001 (104002)


SMN1-C002 (104003)


SMN1-C003 (104004)


SMN1-C004 (104005)


SMN1-C005 (104006)


SMN1-C006 (104007)


SMN1-C007 (104008)


SMN1-D002 (104009)


SMN1-D003 (104010)


SMN1-D004 (104011)


SMN1-D005 (104012)


SMN1-D006 (104013)


SMN1-D007 (104014)

co-culture-networkUse network co-culture assays to replicate the in vivo physiological and morphological conditions in addition to desired cellular makeup.

Co-Culture Network Design Library

By incorporating natural tissue regions within the network topology, the co-culture networks allow study of cell and drug behavior at and across the interfaces. The co-culture network constructs are available with several options for channel size, tissue region scaffolding, and barrier design. We can help you select the right parameters for your needs and can also construct custom designs if needed.



The SynVivo platform can support custom assays based on your research application. Don’t see a catalog assay for your biological question?  Want to perform your assay using a linear chip design? We can develop a custom assay kit for you using our library of chip designs- See more information in the following tabs.

  • Linear Channels
  • Bifurcating Channels
  • Microvascular Networks
  • Idealized Networks

Custom Designs – If you need a specialized microvasulature or other design we have the necessary equipment to fabricate most any design based on your research needs. Our engineers will work with you to help design the most relevant SynVivo channel or network configuration to help you achieve your research goals.

Linear Channels

Use Linear Channels for studying cell/particle adhesion and cell-cell or cell-particle interactions at the micro-circulation scale. Use as a substitute for parallel plate flow chambers for >90% savings in consumables.

Linear Channels Design Library

Three channels per chip of various widths to allow you to study shear effects based on channel size and flow rates.



Standard Depth Options:

  • 50 μm
  • 100 μm

Standard Width Options (W1 / W2 / W3):

  • 100 μm / 100 μm / 100 μm
  • 250 μm / 250 μm / 250 μm
  • 500 μm / 500 μm / 500 μm
  • 100 μm / 250 μm / 500 μm

Custom designs/sizes also available.


Bifurcating Channels



Use symmetric and asymmetric bifurcations to study cell/particle adhesion and cell-cell or cell-particle interactions at bifurcations and to study the effect of the bifurcation angle and asymmetry on adhesion. Compare adhesion in linear sections and bifurcations simultaneously.

Bifurcating Channels Design Library

With various options of symmetric and asymmetric bifurcating angles and parent/daughter channel widths you can likely find a set of designs to provide you the best models for your research.



Standard Depth Options:

  • 50 μm
  • 100 μm

Standard Parent / Daughter Width (WA) / (WB + WC) Options:

  • 100 μm / 50 + 50 μm
  • 100 μm / 20 + 80 μm
  • 100 μm / 33 + 67 μm

Standard Symmetric Bifurcation Angle (θBC) Options:

  • 15° + 15°
  • 30° + 30°
  • 45° + 45°
  • 60° + 60°

Standard Asymmetric Bifurcation Angle (θBC) Options:

  • 6° + 24°
  • 10° + 20°
  • 15° + 75°
  • 18° + 72°
  • 30° + 60°

Custom designs/sizes also available.


Idealized Networks




Use idealized co-culture assays to mimic the cellular make up in vivo. Investigate cell-cell interactions and perfusion vs. diffusion based affects. Analyze the experiments in real-time for all the cell populations.

Co-Culture Design Library

Intended to mimic the formation of and transport across tight and gap junctions such as the blood-brain barrier and other endothelial/tissue interfaces, the idealized co-culture constructs are available with several options for channel size, tissue chamber size and scaffolding, and barrier design. We can help you select the right parameters for your needs and can also construct custom designs if needed. Please contact us for details.

Slit Barrier Option

This device utilizes slits and gaps to form the barrier region between the outer channel and inner chamber.

Standard design parameters available are:

  • Outer Channel Width (OC): 100 μm or 200 μm
  • Travel Width (T): 50 μm or 100 μm
  • Slit Spacing (SS): 50 μm or 100 μm
  • Slit Width (WS): Variable



IMN2/IMN3 (Slits)


MN2/IMN3 Chamber Zoom

MN2/IMN3 Chamber Zoom


IMN2/IMN3 Slit Details

IMN2/IMN3 Slit Details




The following publications contain useful information about SynVivo technology and applications. Follow the doi links to see the abstracts and to obtain copies of the papers. Let us know if you have published a peer reviewed article utilzing SynVivo and we can add it to the list.





A Novel Dynamic Neonatal Blood-Brain Barrier on a Chip. S. Deosarkar, B. Prabhakarpandian, B. Wang, J.B. Sheffield, B. Krynska, M. Kiani. PLOS ONE, 2015







Adhesion Patterns in the Microvasculature are Dependent on Bifurcation Angle.G. Lamberti, F. Soroush, A. Smith, M. Kiani, B. Prabhakarpandian, K. Pant.Microvascular Res., 2015, 99, pp 19-25






Expanding Imaging Capabilities for Microfluidics: Applicability of Darkfield Internal Reflection Illumination (DIRI) to Observations in Microfluidics. Y. Kawano, C. Otsuka, J. Sanzo, C. Higgins, T. Nirei, T. Schilling, T. Ishikawa.PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(3): e0116925






Synthetic Tumor Networks for Screening Drug Delivery Systems. B. Prabhakarpandian, MC Shen, J. Nichols, C. Garson, I. Mills, M. Matar, J. Fewell, K. Pant. J Control Release., 2015, 201, 49-55







Bioinspired Microfluidic Assay for In Vitro Modeling of Leukocyte–Endothelium Interactions. G. Lamberti, B. Prabhakarpandian, C. Garson, A. Smith, K. Pant, B. Wang, and M.F. Kiani. Anal. Chem., 2014, 86 (16), pp 8344–8351






Generation of Shear Adhesion Map Using SynVivo Synthetic Microvascular Networks. Smith, A. M., Prabhakarpandian, B., Pant, K. J. Vis. Exp. (87), e51025, 2014






Using shape effects to target antibody-coated nanoparticles to lung and brain endothelium. Kolhara P, Anselmob AC, Guptab V, Pant K, Prabhakarpandian B, Ruoslahtid E, and Mitragotri S. PNAS 2013






Adhesive Interaction of Functionalized Particles and Endothelium in Idealized Microvascular Networks. G. Lamberti, Y. Tang, B. Prabhakarpandian, Y. Wang, K. Pant, M.F, Kiani, B. Wang. Microvascular Res. 2013 (89) pp 107-114






SyM-BBB: A Microfluidic Blood Brain Barrier Model B. Prabhakarpandian, M.-C. Shen, J.B. Nichols, I.R. Mills, M.S.-Wegrzynowicz, M. Aschner, K. Pant, Lab on a Chip, 2013, 13, 1093-1101






Microfluidic devices for modeling cell-cell and particle-cell interactions in the microvasculature. Prabhakarpandian B, Shen MC, Pant K, Kiani MF. Microvasc Res. 2011 Nov;82(3):210-20






Bifurcations: focal points of particle adhesion in microvascular networks.Prabhakarpandian B, Wang Y, Rea-Ramsey A, Sundaram S, Kiani MF, Pant K.Microcirculation. 2011 Jul;18(5):380-9






Flow and adhesion of drug carriers in blood vessels depend on their shape: a study using model synthetic microvascular networks. Doshi N, Prabhakarpandian B, Rea-Ramsey A, Pant K, Sundaram S, Mitragotri S. J Control Release. 2010 Sep 1;146(2):196-200






Preferential adhesion of leukocytes near bifurcations is endothelium independent. Tousi N, Wang B, Pant K, Kiani MF, Prabhakarpandian B. Microvasc Res. 2010 Dec;80(3):384-8






A physiologically realistic in vitro model of microvascular networks. Rosano JM, Tousi N, Scott RC, Krynska B, Rizzo V, Prabhakarpandian B, Pant K, Sundaram S, Kiani MF. Biomed Microdevices. 2009 May 19






Synthetic microvascular networks for quantitative analysis of particle adhesion. Prabhakarpandian B, Pant K, Scott RC, Patillo CB, Irimia D, Kiani MF, Sund



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