世联博研(北京)科技有限公司 主营:Flexcell细胞力学和regenhu细胞3D生物打印机销售技术服务: 美国Flexcell品牌FX-5000T细胞牵张应力加载培养系统,FX-5K细胞显微牵张应力加载培养系统,Tissue Train三维细胞组织培养与测试系统,FX-5000C三维细胞组织压应力加载培养系统,STR-4000细胞流体剪切应力加载培养系统,德国cellastix品牌Optical Stretcher高通量单细胞牵引应变与分析系统 Regenhu品牌3D discovery细胞友好型3D生物打印机,piuma细胞纳米压痕测试分析、aresis多点力学测试光镊,MagneTherm细胞肿瘤电磁热疗测试分析系统
服务电话: 010-67529703
主营产品: Flexcell细胞力学和regenhu细胞3D生物打印机销售技术服务: 美国Flexcell品牌FX-5000T细胞牵张应力加载培养系统,FX-5K细胞显微牵张应力加载培养系统,Tissue Train三维细胞组织培养与测试系统,FX-5000C三维细胞组织压应力加载培养系统,STR-4000细胞流体剪切应力加载培养系统,德国cellastix品牌Optical Stretcher高通量单细胞牵引应变与分析系统 Regenhu品牌3D discovery细胞友好型3D生物打印机,piuma细胞纳米压痕测试分析、aresis多点力学测试光镊,MagneTherm细胞肿瘤电磁热疗测试分析系统


  • 如果您对该产品感兴趣的话,可以
  • 产品名称:Billups-rothenberg厌氧微需氧培养装置,mic-101厌氧微需氧培养装置-现货
  • 产品型号:mic-101
  • 产品展商:Billups-rothenberg
  • 产品文档:无相关文档

Billups-rothenberg,mic-101便携式细胞/微生物氧环境控制培养系统 氧气浓度控制(高氧、常氧、低氧)培养 特色: 1. 使用方便,经济耐用,节省空间 2. 内置多用途托盘,方便放置培养皿、试管、组织培养瓶、微量板等 3. 所有组件都无毒,可酒精**。 4. 圆柱腔的几何形状提供了*好的气体分布。 5. 可靠的气密性密封,能100%控制气体含量和交换,






• 培养室可以堆叠摆放、内扣连接后振荡培养,作为储存室节省空间
• 内置多用途托盘,方便放置培养皿、试管、组织培养瓶、微量板等
• 方便简单的盖子和 Marman 夹设计,使实验操作便捷
• 所有组件都无毒,可酒精**
• 培养室内部夹角无缝隙连接便于清洗和去污
• 圆柱腔的几何形状提供了*好的气体分布
• O 型圈有着**的气密性密封


外径:直径 31cm 高 11cm


84 个 35mm 培养皿
27 个 60mm 培养皿
12 个 100mm 培养皿
9 个 96 孔培养板
18 个 25cm2 组织培养瓶


包括单流量计和双流量计 2 种,
能帮用户确定知道何时获得 100%气体
交换,流量可在 3~25L/min(或 0.1~10
用)。每个培养室的体积大约为 8L。
• 单流量计用于控制预混合气体的流速时
为每分钟 1.0~25L (或 0.1~10LPM)



一、适用范围和研究领域 缺氧\高氧模块化孵化室已用于世界各地的四十年,自定义为混合气体和温度的组织培养条件。这密闭室已被证明**,可靠,在体外受精,艾滋病毒隔离,建立 缺氧/高氧/常氧环境条件,器官培养的细胞株培养。每个单元是一个自包含的孵化器,使您能够创建所需的组织培养的各种环境(气体浓度和湿度)。二、产品介绍 缺氧\高氧模块化孵化室涉及为类似坩埚的装置,主体分为4个部分:上密封室下密封室(连接有进出气管道)、聚碳酸酯材质的隔层架、不锈钢密封扣件。


1. 使用方便,经济耐用,节省空间
2. 内置多用途托盘,方便放置培养皿、试管、组织培养瓶、微量板等
3. 所有组件都无毒,可酒精**。 
4. 圆柱腔的几何形状提供了*好的气体分布。
5. 可靠的气密性密封,能 100%控制气体含量和交换,
6. 可以放置在二氧化碳培养箱内,与其他条件的形成严格对照


将二氧化碳按需要的比例充入气罐中,用气管连接气罐和装置,中间可以用流量计进行监测, 放入要培养的细胞板、细胞培养皿等,调节二氧化碳培养箱的温、湿度。 扣紧密封扣件,进行培养,换液时打开扣件,取出换液。产品的规格参数:


1. Two Novel Missense Mutations of the HFE Gene (I105T and G93R) and Identification of the S65C Mutation in Alabama Hemochromatosis Probands* 1
[PDF] from lbtek.comJC Barton, R Sawada-Hirai, BE Rothenberg… - Blood Cells,
Molecules, …, 1999 - Elsevier
... Probands *1. James C. Barton a , f1 , Ritsuko Sawada-Hirai b , Barry E. Rothenberg
c and Ronald T. Acton c. a Southern Iron Disorders Center, Birmingham, Alabama. b
Billups-Rothenberg, Inc. San Diego, California. c Immunogenetics ...
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2. Preconditioning of the tumor vasculature and tumor cells by intermittent hypoxia: implications for anticancer therapies
[HTML] from aacrjournals.orgP Martinive, F Defresne, C Bouzin, J Saliez, F Lair… - Cancer research, 2006 - AACR
... To reach and control hypoxia conditions, cells were placed in a modular incubator chamber (Billups Rothenberg, Inc., Del Mar, CA) and flushed for 10 minutes with a gas mixture of 5%CO2 -95% N 2 ; the final medium pO 2 value was consistently measured below the 0.5% to 1 ...
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3. The pH-dependent membrane association of procathepsin L is mediated by a 9-residue sequence within the propeptide.
[PDF] from jbc.orgGF McIntyre, GD Godbold… - Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1994 -
ASBMB.. inhibitor E-64, dithiothreitol, and HEPES were from Boehringer Mannheim; ECL Western Blotting Detection Re- agents and donkey anti-rabbit serum
conjugated to horseradish peroxi- dasewere from Amersham Corp.; the HotBox System was from Billups- Rothenberg, Del Mar ...
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4. Intersection of interferon and hypoxia signal transduction pathways in nitric oxide-inducedtumor apoptosis
[PDF] from lbtek.comDS Tendler, C Bao, T Wang, EL Huang… - Cancer research, 2001 -
AACR.. NAME, or a combination of these factors. Cells were cultured under normoxia or
hypoxia (5% CO 2 and 95% N 2 ) in an Incubator Chamber (Billups-Rothenberg, Del Mar, CA), and were harvested after incubation for up to 24 h. ...
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5. Beta2 knockout mice develop parenchymal iron overload: A putative role for class I genes of the major histocompatibility complex in iron metabolism
[PDF] from pnas.orgBE Rothenberg… - Proceedings of the National …, 1996 - National Acad Sciences ... To whom reprints should be sent at the present address: Billups- Rothenberg, Inc., POBox 977, Del Mar, CA 92014. 1529 Page 2. 1530 Medical Sciences: Rothenberg andVoland Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
93 (1996) A -200 -175 -150 125 ...
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6. Genetic and Clinical Description of Hemochromatosis Probands and Heterozygotes: EvidenceThat Multiple Genes Linked to the Major Histocompatibility
Complex …
[PDF] from scripps.eduJC Barton, WWH Shih, R Sawada-Hirai…- Blood Cells, Molecules, …,1997 - Elsevier... c and Barry E. Rothenberg b. a Southern Iron
Disorders Center and Brookwood Medical Center, Birmingham, Alabama. b Billups-Rothenberg, Inc. San Diego,California. c Immunogenetics Program, Departments ofMicrobiology ...
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7. Isoflurane neuroprotection in hypoxic hippocampal slice cultures involves increases in intracellular Ca2+ and mitogen-activated protein kinases
[PDF] from lbtek.comJJ Gray, PE Bickler, CS Fahlman, X Zhan… - …, 2005 -
... Experiment Design. Cultures were exposed to hypoxia by placing them into a 2-l airtight Billups-Rothenberg Modular Incubator Chamber (Del Mar, CA)
through which 95% N2 –5% CO 2 gas, preheated to 37°C, was passed at 5–10 l/min. ...
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8. Limitations to oxygen diffusion and equilibration in in vitro cell exposure systems in hyperoxia and hypoxia
[HTML] from physiology.orgCB Allen, BK Schneider… - American Journal of …, 2001 - Am
Physiological Soc... One assembly with an intact top and one with a perforated top were placed in a polystyrene environmental chamber with an internal volume
of 5.72 liters (Billups-Rothenberg, Del Mar,CA), and the electrical connections for the electrodes were passed out through the gas ...
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9. In vivo genetic profiling and cellular localization of apelin reveals a hypoxia-sensitive,endothelial-centered pathway activated in ischemic heart failure
[HTML] from physiology.orgAY Sheikh, HJ Chun, AJ Glassford… - American Journal of …,2008 - Am Physiological Soc... Plates were placed in a humidified
Billups-Rothenberg modular incubation chamber (model MIC-101, Billups-Rothenberg, Del Mar, CA), charged with a gas mixture of 1% O 2 -5% CO2 -94%
N 2 , and sealed before placement in a tissue culture incubator. ...
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10. Proteomic analysis of plasma membrane from hypoxia-adapted malignant melanoma
LH Stockwin, J Blonder, MA Bumke… - Journal of proteome …, 2006 - ACS Publications
... The cells were then placed into a 37 °C humidified incubator (normoxia) or into a
modular incubator chamber (Billups Rothenberg, Del Mar, CA) and flushed for 20
min with a mixture of 1% O 2 , 5% CO 2 , and 94% N 2 (hypoxia). ...
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