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AbsoluteIDQ p180 Kit


AbsoluteIDQ® p180 Kit

The Fast Track to Metabolic Biomarker Signatures

Mass Spectrometry Based Quantitative and Reproducible Solution to Advance Research

The LC-MS/MS based AbsoluteIDQ® p180 Kit is an easy-to-use research assay for quantifying up to 188 endogenous metabolites from 5 different compound classes (i.e. acylcarnitines, amino acids, hexoses, phospho- and sphingolipids and biogenic amines). The assay requires very small sample amounts (10 μL) and shows excellent reproducibility.

The integrated MetIDQ Software streamlines data analysis by automated calculation of metabolite concentrations.

HighlightsAbsoluteIDQ-p180-Kit-Schatten 72dpi

  • Get more comprehensive research results: 
    up to 188 analytes from five substance classes
  • Ready-to-use kit and automated workflow
  • Get reliable and reproducible results: 
    the kit uses standardized and validated research assays
  • Facilitate data analysis and interpretation: 
    IT-package is provided with the kit
  • Spend your valuable sample material wisely: 
    you need no more than 10 µL of the sample
  • Use the sample material of your choice: 
    suitable for various types of biological sample material

The AbsoluteIDQ p180 Kit provides the individual metabolic signature as a surrogate marker of genetic disposition, somatic changes, acquired adaptations and exposition to pathogens, environment and alimentation. The individual metabolic signature is a holistic system diagnosis and can be highly specific for disease diagnosis, disease subclassification, treatment prediction, drug response and identification of pathophysiological processes underlying the different diseases. Furthermore the Kit is used in the food industry and nutrition research to investigate health effects of functional food as well as the effects of environment and exercise.

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