世联博研(北京)科技有限公司 主营:Flexcell细胞力学和regenhu细胞3D生物打印机销售技术服务: 美国Flexcell品牌FX-5000T细胞牵张应力加载培养系统,FX-5K细胞显微牵张应力加载培养系统,Tissue Train三维细胞组织培养与测试系统,FX-5000C三维细胞组织压应力加载培养系统,STR-4000细胞流体剪切应力加载培养系统,德国cellastix品牌Optical Stretcher高通量单细胞牵引应变与分析系统 Regenhu品牌3D discovery细胞友好型3D生物打印机,piuma细胞纳米压痕测试分析、aresis多点力学测试光镊,MagneTherm细胞肿瘤电磁热疗测试分析系统
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主营产品: Flexcell细胞力学和regenhu细胞3D生物打印机销售技术服务: 美国Flexcell品牌FX-5000T细胞牵张应力加载培养系统,FX-5K细胞显微牵张应力加载培养系统,Tissue Train三维细胞组织培养与测试系统,FX-5000C三维细胞组织压应力加载培养系统,STR-4000细胞流体剪切应力加载培养系统,德国cellastix品牌Optical Stretcher高通量单细胞牵引应变与分析系统 Regenhu品牌3D discovery细胞友好型3D生物打印机,piuma细胞纳米压痕测试分析、aresis多点力学测试光镊,MagneTherm细胞肿瘤电磁热疗测试分析系统

Vala Sciences自动高通量高内涵筛选系统

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  • 产品名称:Vala Sciences自动高通量高内涵筛选系统
  • 产品型号:IC310
  • 产品展商:valasciences
  • 产品文档:无相关文档

图像细胞计数仪310(IC310)—速度*快高内涵筛选系统 Vala Sciences IC310是目前市场上执行速度*快的高内涵筛选系统。它通过对图像形态的一个连续扫描,捕捉移动图像。样品不是停留在每个孔板中被捕获到图像,因此节约了时间。消除了每个孔板中进行减速、停止和加速的耗时,使该系统扫描速度*快,每1536板花费不到8分钟的时间即可完成全过程。因为1536个孔板一直处于被捕捉的状态,IC


Vala Sciences图像细胞计数仪 
图像细胞计数仪具备很大的灵活性。仪器支持大量的成像孔板,输出非**的TIFF格式图像,可以用于任何后续软件的分析。还支持其他专业文件格式可选的输出。大量的激发光源和发射光滤过可使任何荧光团在图像细胞计数仪中可见。图像细胞计数仪支持各种倍数的放大,包括4x, 10x, 20x 和40x。 
Vala Sciences Kinetic图像细胞仪 (KIC) 可以利用自动高通量方法对每个孔板中的成百上千个细胞进行单个细胞钙离子瞬时流动进行分析,从成千上万个化合物中快速筛选出用于心律失常的活性化合物。而且,KIC通过整合的细胞刺激信号,可以对具有自律性的心肌细胞或电同步细胞进行录像。


Vala Sciences品牌 IC200-KIC高内涵筛查系统 

Vala Sciences IC200-KIC?是一个功能齐全的高内涵筛查系统,也能够捕获高速时间序列图像。IC200使用基于图像的自动对焦和激光表面跟踪,确保每一个图像在*佳焦点聚焦。拥有很多物镜和孔板支持以及占用空间小的特点,IC200的功能是***的。灵活的模块化设计使得这个系统成为一个很好的定制解决方案的平台。 
2.超灵敏5.53MP SCMOS相机
4. 全自动刺激方案 
8.Benchtpop Footprint: 21" x 21 " x 24.5" (W×D×H×)


两个553万像素的CMOS 相机


平场复消色差物镜 4x NA 0.20 (1.63 um/Pixel)
平场复消色差物镜10x NA 0.45 (0.64 um/Pixel)
平场复消色差物镜 20X NA 0.75 (0.32 um/Pixel)
平场复消色差物镜 40X NA 0.95 (0.16 um/Pixel)
平场复消色差物镜 60X NA 0.95 (0.11 um/Pixel)


- 容错(无误差)在每个视野内准确对焦 
- 在每个视野内执行< 0.5秒的自动对焦






支持1536, 384,96, 48,24,12 和 6 孔板 


固态光引擎7 UV-Vis-IR,可运行 15000多个小时




- DAPI,FITC,TRITC,Cy5 and Cy7标准 
- 其他滤光片组


21" x 21" x 22" (53cm x 53cm x 56cm)外形尺寸包括光引擎



- 延时采集图像的重复序列


- 电刺激:自动选择电*.
- 光遗传学: 光刺激可利用一切激发光源.
- 添加化合物:可选液体处理选项.





温度 (30-40° C) and CO2 (5-10%)
- 低氧(5%,10% 或15%)







Vala Sciences IC310是目前市场上执行速度*快的高内涵筛选系统。它通过对图像形态的一个连续扫描,捕捉移动图像。样品不是停留在每个孔板中被捕获到图像,因此节约了时间。消除了每个孔板中进行减速、停止和加速的耗时,使该系统扫描速度*快,每1536板花费不到8分钟的时间即可完成全过程。因为1536个孔板一直处于被捕捉的状态,IC310允许用户自行选择多少个字段保存到磁盘,不需要考虑扫描速度。 
Ultra high throughput
-up to 280000 wells per day on a typically field of view 
2.User Throughput Trade-Off for large FOV scanning
3.Up to 0.8um/pixel Resolution at 15 x 0.45NA
4.Multi Camera Options Available
5.Robotic Automation Solutions Available
6.Enterprise Date Storage Solutions Available
7.Benchtpop Footprint: 21" x 21 " x 24.5" (W×D×H×)





-平场复消色差物镜4x NA 0.2 (3.0 um/Pixel 标准或2.0 um/Pixel with 1.5x Relay Option)
-平场复消色差物镜10x NA 0.45 (1.2 um/Pixel 标准或 0.8 um/Pixel with 1.5x Relay Option)








支持1536, 384,96, 48,24,12 和 6 孔板






- DAPI,FITC,TRITC,Cy5 and Cy7标准 
- 其他滤光片组


21" x 21" x 22" (53cm x 53cm x 56cm)外形尺寸包括光引擎





温度 (30-40° C) and CO2 (5-10%)
- 低氧(5%,10% 或15%)





valasciences服务& 产品—高内涵筛选服务 
作为一个EPA认证的 ToxCAST筛查项目的分包商和分析提供者,我们*近被赋予一个“特殊”提供评级的服务。 


I. Kinetic Image Cytometry:

1.    Wahlquist, C., Jeong, D., Rojas-Munoz, A., Kho, C., Lee, A., Mitsuyama, S., van Mil, A., Park, W.J., Sluijter, J.P., Doevendans, P.A., Hajjar, R.J. & Mercola, M. Inhibition of miR-25 improves cardiac contractility in the failing heart. Nature 508, 531-535 (2014).

2.    Cerignoli, F., Charlot, D., Whittaker, R., Ingermanson, R., Gehalot, P., Savchenko, A., Gallacher, D.J., Towart, R., Price, J.H., McDonough, P.M. & Mercola, M. High throughput measurement of Ca2+ dynamics for drug risk assessment in human stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes by kinetic image cytometry. J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods 66, 246-256 (2012).

3.    Islas, J.F., Liu, Y., Weng, K.C., Robertson, M.J., Zhang, S., Prejusa, A., Harger, J., Tikhomirova, D., Chopra, M., Iyer, D., Mercola, M., Oshima, R.G., Willerson, J.T., Potaman, V.N. & Schwartz, R.J. Transcription factors ETS2 and MESP1 transdifferentiate human dermal fibroblasts into cardiac progenitors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109, 13016-13021 (2012).

4.    Charlot, D., Campa, V., Azimi, B., Mercola, M., Ingermanson, R., McDonough, P.M. & Price, J.H. Automated calcium measurements in live cardiomyocytes. in 5th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, Link. 316-319 (2008).

II. IC100 and IC200:

5.    Bharadwaj, U., Eckols, T.K., Kolosov, M., Kasembeli, M.M., Adam, A., Torres, D., Zhang, X., Dobrolecki, L.E., Wei, W., Lewis, M.T., Dave, B., Chang, J.C., Landis, M.D., Creighton, C.J., Mancini, M.A. & Tweardy, D.J. Drug-repositioning screening identified piperlongumine as a direct STAT3 inhibitor with potent activity against breast cancer. Oncogene 0(2014).

6.    Bolt, M.J., Stossi, F., Callison, A.M., Mancini, M.G., Dandekar, R. & Mancini, M.A. Systems level-based RNAi screening by high content analysis identifies UBR5 as a regulator of estrogen receptor-alpha protein levels and activity. Oncogene (2014).

7.    Chung, T.D. Collaborative pre-competitive preclinical drug discovery with academics and pharma/biotech partners at Sanford|Burnham: infrastructure, capabilities & operational models. Combinatorial chemistry & high throughput screening 17, 272-289 (2014).

8.    Stossi, F., Bolt, M.J., Ashcroft, F.J., Lamerdin, J.E., Melnick, J.S., Powell, R.T., Dandekar, R.D., Mancini, M.G., Walker, C.L., Westwick, J.K. & Mancini, M.A. Defining estrogenic mechanisms of bisphenol A analogs through high throughput microscopy-based contextual assays. Chemistry & biology 21, 743-753 (2014).

9.    Large, M.J., Wetendorf, M., Lanz, R.B., Hartig, S.M., Creighton, C.J., Mancini, M.A., Kovanci, E., Lee, K.F., Threadgill, D.W., Lydon, J.P., Jeong, J.W. & DeMayo, F.J. The epidermal growth factor receptor critically regulates endometrial function during early pregnancy. PLoS genetics 10, e1004451 (2014).

10.  Bolt, M.J., Stossi, F., Newberg, J.Y., Orjalo, A., Johansson, H.E. & Mancini, M.A. Coactivators enable glucocorticoid receptor recruitment to fine-tune estrogen receptor transcriptional responses. Nucleic acids research 41, 4036-4048 (2013).

11.  Castro, D.J., Maurer, J., Hebbard, L. & Oshima, R.G. ROCK1 inhibition promotes the self-renewal of a novel mouse mammary cancer stem cell. Stem cells 31, 12-22 (2013).

12.  Kostrominova, T.Y., Reiner, D.S., Haas, R.H., Ingermanson, R. & McDonough, P.M. Automated methods for the analysis of skeletal muscle fiber size and metabolic type. International review of cell and molecular biology 306, 275-332 (2013).

13.  McDonough, P.M., Maciejewski-Lenoir, D., Hartig, S.M., Hanna, R.A., Whittaker, R., Heisel, A., Nicoll, J.B., Buehrer, B.M., Christensen, K., Mancini, M.G., Mancini, M.A., Edwards, D.P. & Price, J.H. Differential phosphorylation of perilipin 1A at the initiation of lipolysis revealed by novel monoclonal antibodies and high content analysis. PloS one 8, e55511 (2013).

14.  Prigozhina, N.L., Heisel, A.J., Seldeen, J.R., Cosford, N.D. & Price, J.H. Amphiphilic suramin dissolves Matrigel, causing an 'inhibition' artefact within in vitro angiogenesis assays. International journal of experimental pathology 94, 412-417 (2013).

15.  Dasgupta, I., Tanifum, E.A., Srivastava, M., Phatak, S.S., Cavasotto, C.N., Analoui, M. & Annapragada, A. Non inflammatory boronate based glucose-responsive insulin delivery systems. PloS one 7, e29585 (2012).

16.  Ding, Z., German, P., Bai, S., Feng, Z., Gao, M., Si, W., Sobieski, M.M., Stephan, C.C., Mills, G.B. & Jonasch, E. Agents that stabilize mutated von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) protein: results of a high-throughput screen to identify compounds that modulate VHL proteostasis. Journal of biomolecular screening 17, 572-580 (2012).

17.  Hartig, S.M., He, B., Newberg, J.Y., Ochsner, S.A., Loose, D.S., Lanz, R.B., McKenna, N.J., Buehrer, B.M., McGuire, S.E., Marcelli, M. & Mancini, M.A. Feed-forward inhibition of androgen receptor activity by glucocorticoid action in human adipocytes. Chemistry & biology 19, 1126-1141 (2012).

18.  Slattery, S.D., Newberg, J.Y., Szafran, A.T., Hall, R.M., Brinkley, B.R. & Mancini, M.A. A framework for image-based classification of mitotic cells in asynchronous populations. Assay and drug development technologies 10, 161-178 (2012).

19.  Uray, I.P., Rodenberg, J.M., Bissonnette, R.P., Brown, P.H. & Mancini, M.A. Cancer-preventive rexinoid modulates neutral lipid contents of mammary epithelial cells through a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma-dependent mechanism. Molecular pharmacology 81, 228-238 (2012).

20.  Zhang, X., Bolt, M., Guertin, M.J., Chen, W., Zhang, S., Cherrington, B.D., Slade, D.J., Dreyton, C.J., Subramanian, V., Bicker, K.L., Thompson, P.R., Mancini, M.A., Lis, J.T. & Coonrod, S.A. Peptidylarginine deiminase 2-catalyzed histone H3 arginine 26 citrullination facilitates estrogen receptor alpha target gene activation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109, 13331-13336 (2012).

21.  Ashcroft, F.J., Newberg, J.Y., Jones, E.D., Mikic, I. & Mancini, M. High content imaging-based assay to classify estrogen receptor-alpha ligands based on defined mechanistic outcomes. Gene (2011).

22.  Hartig, S.M., He, B., Long, W., Buehrer, B.M. & Mancini, M.A. Homeostatic levels of SRC-2 and SRC-3 promote early human adipogenesis. J Cell Biol 192, 55-67 (2011).

23.  Prigozhina, N.L., Heisel, A., Wei, K., Noberini, R., Hunter, E.A., Calzolari, D., Seldeen, J.R., Pasquale, E.B., Ruiz-Lozano, P., Mercola, M. & Price, J.H. Characterization of a novel angiogenic model based on stable, fluorescently labelled endothelial cell lines amenable to scale-up for high content screening. Biol Cell 103, 467-481 (2011).

24.  Quintavalle, M., Elia, L., Price, J.H., Heynen-Genel, S. & Courtneidge, S.A. A cell-based high-content screening assay reveals activators and inhibitors of cancer cell invasion. Science signaling 4, ra49 (2011).

25.  Yip, K.W., Cuddy, M., Pinilla, C., Giulanotti, M., Heynen-Genel, S., Matsuzawa, S. & Reed, J.C. A high-content screening (HCS) assay for the identification of chemical inducers of PML oncogenic domains (PODs). Journal of biomolecular screening 16, 251-258 (2011).

26.  Garcia-Becerra, R., Berno, V., Ordaz-Rosado, D., Sharp, Z.D., Cooney, A.J., Mancini, M.A. & Larrea, F. Ligand-induced large-scale chromatin dynamics as a biosensor for the detection of estrogen receptor subtype selective ligands. Gene 458, 37-44 (2010).

27.  Kiselyuk, A., Farber-Katz, S., Cohen, T., Lee, S.H., Geron, I., Azimi, B., Heynen-Genel, S., Singer, O., Price, J., Mercola, M., Itkin-Ansari, P. & Levine, F. Phenothiazine neuroleptics signal to the human insulin promoter as revealed by a novel high-throughput screen. Journal of biomolecular screening 15, 663-670 (2010).

28.  McDonough, P.M., Ingermanson, R.S., Loy, P.A., Koon, E.D., Whittaker, R., Laris, C.A., Hilton, J.M., Nicoll, J.B., Buehrer, B.M. & Price, J.H. Quantification of Hormone Sensitive Lipase Phosphorylation and Colocalization with Lipid Droplets in Murine 3T3L1 and Human Subcutaneous Adipocytes via Automated Digital Microscopy and High-Content Analysis. Assay and drug development technologies (2010).

29.  Narayanan, R., Yepuru, M., Szafran, A.T., Szwarc, M., Bohl, C.E., Young, N.L., Miller, D.D., Mancini, M.A. & Dalton, J.T. Discovery and mechanistic characterization of a novel selective nuclear androgen receptor exporter for the treatment of prostate cancer. Cancer Res 70, 842-851 (2010).

30.  Whittaker, R., Loy, P.A., Sisman, E., Suyama, E., Aza-Blanc, P., Ingermanson, R.S., Price, J.H. & McDonough, P.M. Identification of MicroRNAs that control lipid droplet formation and growth in hepatocytes via high-content screening. Journal of biomolecular screening 15, 798-805 (2010).

31.  Zou, J., Ganji, S., Pass, I., Ardecky, R., Peddibhotla, M., Loribelle, M., Heynen-Genel, S., Sauer, M., Pass, I., Vasile, S., Suyama, E., Malany, S., Mangravita-Novo, A., Vicchiarelli, M., McAnally, D., Cheltsov, A., Derek, S., Shi, S., Su, Y., Zeng, F.Y., Pinkerton, A.B., Smith, L.H., Kim, S., Ngyuen, H., Zeng, F.Y., Diwan, J., Heisel, A.J., Coleman, R., McDonough, P.M. & Chung, T.D.Y. Potent inhibitors of lipid droplet formation. in Probe Reports from the NIH Molecular Libraries Program (Bethesda (MD), 2010).

32.  Buck, T.E., Rao, A., Coelho, L.P., Fuhrman, M.H., Jarvik, J.W., Berget, P.B. & Murphy, R.F. Cell cycle dependence of protein subcellular location inferred from static, asynchronous images. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2009, 1016-1019 (2009).

33.  Coelho, L.P., Shariff, A. & Murphy, R.F. Nuclear Segmentation in Microscope Cell Images: A Hand-Segmented Dataset and Comparison of Algorithms. Proc IEEE Int Symp Biomed Imaging 5193098, 518-521 (2009).

34.  Giordano, C., Cui, Y., Barone, I., Ando, S., Mancini, M.A., Berno, V. & Fuqua, S.A. Growth factor-induced resistance to tamoxifen is associated with a mutation of estrogen receptor alpha and its phosphorylation at serine 305. Breast Cancer Res Treat 119, 71-85 (2009).

35.  Heynen-Genel, S. & Price, J. Cytometric Features of Fluorescently Labeled Nuclei for Cell Classification. in Handbook of Medical Image Processing and Analysis, Vol. 1 (ed. Bankman, I.) 453-463 (Academic Press, 2009).

36.  McDonough, P.M., Agustin, R.M., Ingermanson, R.S., Loy, P.A., Buehrer, B.M., Nicoll, J.B., Prigozhina, N.L., Mikic, I. & Price, J.H. Quantification of Lipid Droplets and Associated Proteins in Cellular Models of Obesity via High-Content/High-Throughput Microscopy and Automated Image Analysis. Assay and drug development technologies (2009).

37.  Slattery, S.D., Mancini, M.A., Brinkley, B.R. & Hall, R.M. Aurora-C kinase supports mitotic progression in the absence of Aurora-B. Cell Cycle 8, 2984-2994 (2009).

38.  Szafran, A.T., Hartig, S., Sun, H., Uray, I.P., Szwarc, M., Shen, Y., Mediwala, S.N., Bell, J., McPhaul, M.J., Mancini, M.A. & Marcelli, M. Androgen receptor mutations associated with androgen insensitivity syndrome: a high content analysis approach leading to personalized medicine. PloS one 4, e8179 (2009).

39.  Willems, E., Bushway, P.J. & Mercola, M. Natural and synthetic regulators of embryonic stem cell cardiogenesis. Pediatr Cardiol 30, 635-642 (2009).

40.  Berno, V., Amazit, L., Hinojos, C., Zhong, J., Mancini, M. G., Sharp, Z. D., Mancini, M. A. Activation of estrogen receptor-alpha by E2 or EGF induces temporally distinct patterns of large-scale chromatin modification and mRNA transcription. PloS one 3, e2286 (2008).

41.  Bushway, P.J., Mercola, M. & Price, J.H. A comparative analysis of standard microtiter plate reading versus imaging in cellular assays. Assay and drug development technologies 6, 557-567 (2008).

42.  Szafran, A.T., Szwarc, M., Marcelli, M. & Mancini, M.A. Androgen receptor functional analyses by high throughput imaging: determination of ligand, cell cycle, and mutation-specific effects. PloS one 3, e3605 (2008).

43.  Amazit, L., Pasini, L., Szafran, A.T., Berno, V., Wu, R.C., Mielke, M., Jones, E.D., Mancini, M.G., Hinojos, C.A., O'Malley, B.W. & Mancini, M.A. Regulation of SRC-3 intercompartmental dynamics by estrogen receptor and phosphorylation. Molecular and cellular biology 27, 6913-6932 (2007).

44.  Garcia Osuna, E., Hua, J., Bateman, N.W., Zhao, T., Berget, P.B. & Murphy, R.F. Large-scale automated analysis of location patterns in randomly tagged 3T3 cells. Ann Biomed Eng 35, 1081-1087 (2007).

45.  Huang, Y., Qiu, J., Dong, S., Redell, M.S., Poli, V., Mancini, M.A. & Tweardy, D.J. Stat3 isoforms, alpha and beta, demonstrate distinct intracellular dynamics with prolonged nuclear retention of Stat3beta mapping to its unique C-terminal end. The Journal of biological chemistry 282, 34958-34967 (2007).

46.  Prigozhina, N.L., Zhong, L., Hunter, E.A., Mikic, I., Callaway, S., Roop, D.R., Mancini, M.A., Zacharias, D.A., Price, J.H. & McDonough, P.M. Plasma membrane assays and three-compartment image cytometry for high content screening. Assay and drug development technologies 5, 29-48 (2007).

47.  Berno, V., Hinojos, C.A., Amazit, L., Szafran, A.T. & Mancini, M.A. High-resolution, high-throughput microscopy analyses of nuclear receptor and coregulator function. Methods Enzymol 414, 188-210 (2006).

48.  Cho, C.Y., Koo, S.H., Wang, Y., Callaway, S., Hedrick, S., Mak, P.A., Orth, A.P., Peters, E.C., Saez, E., Montminy, M., Schultz, P.G. & Chanda, S.K. Identification of the tyrosine phosphatase PTP-MEG2 as an antagonist of hepatic insulin signaling. Cell Metab 3, 367-378 (2006).

49.  Marcelli, M., Stenoien, D.L., Szafran, A.T., Simeoni, S., Agoulnik, I.U., Weigel, N.L., Moran, T., Mikic, I., Price, J.H. & Mancini, M.A. Quantifying effects of ligands on androgen receptor nuclear translocation, intranuclear dynamics, and solubility. J Cell Biochem 98, 770-788 (2006).

50.  Mikic, I., Planey, S., Zhang, J., Ceballos, C., Seron, T., von Massenbach, B., Watson, R., Callaway, S., McDonough, P.M., Price, J.H., Hunter, E. & Zacharias, D. A live cell, image-based approach to understanding the enzymology and pharmacology of 2-bromopalmitate and palmitoylation. Methods Enzymol 414, 150-187 (2006).

51.  Mukherji, M., Bell, R., Supekova, L., Wang, Y., Orth, A.P., Batalov, S., Miraglia, L., Huesken, D., Lange, J., Martin, C., Sahasrabudhe, S., Reinhardt, M., Natt, F., Hall, J., Mickanin, C., Labow, M., Chanda, S.K., Cho, C.Y. & Schultz, P.G. Genome-wide functional analysis of human cell-cycle regulators. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103, 14819-14824 (2006).

52.  Prigozhina, N.L. & Waterman-Storer, C.M. Decreased polarity and increased random motility in PtK1 epithelial cells correlate with inhibition of endosomal recycling. J Cell Sci 119, 3571-3582 (2006).

53.  Sharp, Z.D., Mancini, M.G., Hinojos, C.A., Dai, F., Berno, V., Szafran, A.T., Smith, K.P., Lele, T.P., Ingber, D.E. & Mancini, M.A. Estrogen-receptor-alpha exchange and chromatin dynamics are ligand- and domain-dependent. J Cell Sci 119, 4101-4116 (2006).

54.  Shen, F., Hodgson, L., Rabinovich, A., Pertz, O., Hahn, K. & Price, J.H. Functional proteometrics for cell migration. Cytometry. Part A : the journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology 69, 563-572 (2006).

55.  Shen, F. & Price, J.H. Toward complete laser ablation of melanoma contaminant cells in a co-culture outgrowth model via image cytometry. Cytometry. Part A : the journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology 69, 573-581 (2006).

56.  Wilson, C.J., Si, Y., Thompsons, C.M., Smellie, A., Ashwell, M.A., Liu, J.F., Ye, P., Yohannes, D. & Ng, S.C. Identification of a small molecule that induces mitotic arrest using a simplified high-content screening assay and data analysis method. Journal of biomolecular screening 11, 21-28 (2006).

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