世联博研(北京)科技有限公司 主营:Flexcell细胞力学和regenhu细胞3D生物打印机销售技术服务: 美国Flexcell品牌FX-5000T细胞牵张应力加载培养系统,FX-5K细胞显微牵张应力加载培养系统,Tissue Train三维细胞组织培养与测试系统,FX-5000C三维细胞组织压应力加载培养系统,STR-4000细胞流体剪切应力加载培养系统,德国cellastix品牌Optical Stretcher高通量单细胞牵引应变与分析系统 Regenhu品牌3D discovery细胞友好型3D生物打印机,piuma细胞纳米压痕测试分析、aresis多点力学测试光镊,MagneTherm细胞肿瘤电磁热疗测试分析系统
服务电话: 010-67529703
主营产品: Flexcell细胞力学和regenhu细胞3D生物打印机销售技术服务: 美国Flexcell品牌FX-5000T细胞牵张应力加载培养系统,FX-5K细胞显微牵张应力加载培养系统,Tissue Train三维细胞组织培养与测试系统,FX-5000C三维细胞组织压应力加载培养系统,STR-4000细胞流体剪切应力加载培养系统,德国cellastix品牌Optical Stretcher高通量单细胞牵引应变与分析系统 Regenhu品牌3D discovery细胞友好型3D生物打印机,piuma细胞纳米压痕测试分析、aresis多点力学测试光镊,MagneTherm细胞肿瘤电磁热疗测试分析系统

biotx法医粉末纤维物证采集仪,TED Powder & Fiber Collection

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  • 产品名称:biotx法医粉末纤维物证采集仪,TED Powder & Fiber Collection
  • 产品型号:TED Powder & Fiber Collection
  • 产品展商:biotx
  • 产品文档:无相关文档

TED跟踪证据的收集和触摸DNA采集: 2010年,BioTX推出T.E.D. 跟踪/触摸证据装置。这一**性的**申请中的收集装置,可使犯罪现场调查收集到直接触摸DNA和微量物证收集于准备的小瓶。这个过程所耗费的时间跟传统的收集证据过程省去许多步骤。在实验室中,可以比以前的更快,更准确地分析证据。



2010年,BioTX推出T.E.D. 跟踪/触摸证据装置。这一**性的**申请中的收集装置,可使犯罪现场调查收集到直接触摸DNA和微量物证收集于准备的小瓶。这个过程所耗费的时间跟传统的收集证据过程省去许多步骤。在实验室中,可以比以前的更快,更准确地分析证据。

TED Powder & Fiber Collection


Powder/Fiber Collection Kit Powder/Fiber Collection Refill Kit
型号:Powder/Fiber Collection Kit 型号:Powder/Fiber Collection Refill Kit

TED Powder & Fiber tip
BioTX’s patent pending TED collection system is designed to support a variety of evidence collection requirements from Touch DNA to dried blood, liquids, powders, and fibers.  The TED system incorporates a vacuum device with different end attachments specifically designed for the appropriate evidence to be collected.  The evidence is collected in lab-ready vials for fast lab processing to minimize manual handling.  Dried blood, semen, skin cells, powders and fibers are drawn into the TED collection tip using  the TED vacuum handle. In addition, the TED powder tip is compatible with handheld RAMAN detectors for the field identification of unknown powders. Once the sample has been collected into the tip, it is removed and placed into a vial for shipment to the lab.  Once the tip and vial are received at the lab, they are processed using standard laboratory procedures. The TED tip requires no cutting and is inert to all extraction buffers.

Attach the powder and fiber tip to the the battery operated vacuum pump and turn on the vacuum to collect dust, hair, fibers, powders and cellular debris. The filter in the tip will prevent the collected material from entering the vacuum pump. Once the collection process is complete the tip is removed and sealed in a snap cap vial for shipment to the lab.

See the Video below!

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